RIJS Publications

1. The Bulletin of the Research Institute for Japanese Studies


Back issues of the bulletin are available here (KUIS Repository).  掲載論文はこちらからご覧いただけます。


2. Japan Guidebook (Japanese-English Bilingual Version)「英語で発信! JAPAN ガイドブック」(日英対訳)

The Research Institute for Japanese Studies (RIJS) at Kanda University of International Studies was established in 1992, and its mission is to highlight the importance of Japanese Studies. Through its team of both Japanese and international researchers, the RIJS organizes public lectures and conferences and conducts collaborative research projects on a variety of topics such as Japanese culture, society, history, thought, aesthetics etc. The RIJS also organizes various events with the aim of reaching out to students and helping them have a deeper understanding of Japan.

Available for purchase at bookstores. Also please refer to this link for the videos of this publication. (CLICK HERE!)


編集:日本研究所、発行:神田外語大学出版局 2021年3月15日第4刷発行(書店にて好評販売中)(初版:2018年4 月15 日) 

日本研究所は「英語で発信! JAPAN ガイドブック」に掲載されたテーマを中心に、日本にかかわる様々なトピックスを動画公開しています(日本語又は英語)。掲載動画はこちらからご覧いただけます(CLICK HERE!)。ぜひご活用ください。