Overview of the Advising Program / Research in advising by Jo Mynard and Satoko Kato [Link to Video]
Members of the Senior Management of Kanda University
Congratulatory speech by Mr Sano, Chairman [Link to video]
Congratulatory speech by Mr Miyauchi, President [Link to video]
Congratulatory speech by Professor Yasushi Sekiya, Director of the MA TESOL Program [Link to video]
Presentation 1: Mapping the Practice and Competences of Advising in Language Learning: A Perspective on the Value of Mindfulness [Link to presentation]
Marina Mozzon-McPherson, Professor of Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, Emerita Professor, The University of Hull, UK

My 30-year-long professional journey in advising in language learning (ALL) has been a mindful and rewarding one. My talk considers how the nature of ALL has required me to be in an ever-changing landscape of professional development. Central to this was a holistic, person-centred view of learning and reflective dialogue.
I hope to show that expert advisors need to move through different stages of unconscious and conscious competence; inherent in this is the need to resourcefully balance their own wellbeing and that of their learners whilst pursuing specific learning objectives. I consider a mindful use of intentional, skilled, reflective dialogue to be a distinctive professional feature for successful, happier, sustained learning. This has the potential to create powerful communities of advising practitioners and communities of life-long learners.
This distinctive professional mind and skillset are particularly crucial in the challenges which Higher Education faces globally in the post Covid-19 era. In this, confident acceptance of change and a mindful focus on the co-construction of learning can provide a positive environment and prepare students to manage uncertainty resourcefully.
Marina Mozzon-McPherson started her academic career as a language learning advisor at the University of Hull (UK) in 1992. She has continued practising language learning advising for over 30 years whilst in different strategic roles (e.g., Head of School, Associate Dean). She is now Emerita Professor and continues her research through consultancies primarily focused on mindful professional practice and training in lifelong advising competences. Her research broadly embraces these specific areas of applied linguistics and language education:
- Reflective dialogue as a pedagogic and cultural mediation tool;
- Mindfulness in language learning and advising;
- Creative learning and professional spaces (multicultural, multilingual environments; virtual etc.);
- Construction of learning communities and communities of practice (face-to-face, online, in informal settings).
Presentation 2: Universal Caring and Sharing Advising (UCASA) [Link to presentation Video] [Link to Tim singing!]
Hatice Karaaslan, Pinar Üstündağ Algın, EFL instructors and learning advisors, Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Turkey and Tim Murphey, Kanda University of International Studies, Chiba, Japan
Hatice Karaaslan Pınar Üstündağ-Algın Tim Murphey
A sharing community cares for those involved and shares material and non-material caregiving and learning. We would like to propose that we as educators concentrate more of our efforts toward sharing, caring, and acting rather than dominating, controlling, and testing. Hatice and Pınar describe how they have inspired the caring actions of student-mentors who have developed into more helpful and caring people with their peers in a university in Turkey. Tim has attempted to see how students in Zoom classes in Japan during the last few years of the pandemic were able to teach others (family and friends) important things they learned in class and shows how they share their case studies of caring teaching stories. We hope to offer how you might open up your institutions to contagious sharing and caring with communal partnering through mentoring, teaching and advising with students and their own communities (families and friends), not even in your institution.
Hatice Karaaslan (PhD in CogSci, Middle East Technical University) is an EFL instructor, learning advisor, advisor educator and student mentorship program coordinator at Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University with experience as a guest instructor at Kanda University of International Studies, Japan. Her primary interests include social-emotional pedagogies, micro-credentials, AI and storytelling.
Pınar Üstündağ-Algın (MA in Foreign Language Teaching) is an EFL instructor, learning advisor, advisor educator and student mentorship program supervisor at Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University with experience as a teaching assistant at Kanda University of International Studies, Japan. Her interests include advising and social-emotional pedagogies.
Tim Murphey (MA University of Florida, PhD Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland), Kanda University of International Studies, semi-retired professor in the Research Institute for Learner Autonomy Education (RILAE), part-time at Wayo Women’s University Graduate School of Human Ecology, juggles while skiing, makes lots of mistakes in order to increase his opera-tunes-it-teas for learning.
Presentation 3: Language Learning Advising in Course Design [Link to presentation]
Julia Galichanina, EPAM Systems

How may we help adult learners reach a significant improvement in their communicative ability in under 20 contact hours? That was one of the wicked problems I have faced in my line of work, and I think I may have found a solution! In this talk, I will present you with a case of learning experience design where language learning advising/coaching techniques were employed to reach gains in training efficacy and learning transfer.
Julia Galichanina is a Language Training Manager at EPAM Systems, where she oversees the language training service for the Asia East and Pacific region. She also is the inspirer and the driver for several projects promoting self-directed learning in the organization. Her professional interests include lifelong and self-directed learning, psychology of learning/education, coaching, social learning, and learner experience design.