Learning Communities and Spaces

There has been a recent interest in environmental and contextual factors affecting autonomous language learning. As RILAE was created to develop the research agenda of the self-access learning center (SALC) at KUIS. In the coming years, research needs to investigate questions such as the following: What affordances of space design can have an impact on language learner autonomy? What can we observe about the learning communities in the SALC? How can we foster a community-based approach to language learning? If you are interested in joining one of our current projects, or proposing a related project, please get in touch.

Publications related to learning communities and spaces

Burke, M., Hooper, D., Kushida, B., Lyon, P., Mynard, J., Sampson, R., & Taw, P. (2018). Observing a social learning space: A summary of an ethnographic project in progress. Relay Journal, 1(1), 209-220.

Chen, A., & Mynard, J. (2018). Student perceptions of the English Lounge after a layout change. RelayJournal, 1(1), 221-235.

Curry, N., & Watkins, S. (2016). Considerations in developing a peer mentoring programme for a self-access centre. Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 7(1), 16-29. Retrieved from http://sisaljournal.org/archives/mar16/curry_watkins/

Davies, H. (2021). How self-access centre staff conceptualise learner autonomy: An analysis of survey data. Bulletin of Kanda University of International Studies, 33, 167-189.

Edlin, C. (2016). Informed eclecticism in the design of self-access language learning environments. Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 7(2), 115-135. Retrieved from https://sisaljournal.org/archives/jun16/edlin/

Edlin, C., & Imamura, Y. (2018). Resource coordination in the Self-Access Learning Center at Kanda University of International Studies for the 2017-2018 academic year: Activity, concept, and expanding definitions. Relay Journal, 1(1), 178-196.

Hooper, D. (2020). A pilot case study of a student learning community. Relay Journal, 3(1). https://kuis.kandagaigo.ac.jp/relayjournal/issues/jan20/hooper/

Hooper, D. (2020b). Understanding communities of practice in a social language learning space. In J. Mynard, M. Burke, D. Hooper, B. Kushida, P. Lyon, R. Sampson, & P. Taw (Eds.), Dynamics of a social language learning community: beliefs, membership and identity. Multilingual Matters.

Imamura, Y. (2018). Adopting and adapting to new language policies in a self-access centre in Japan. Relay Journal, 1(1), 197-208.

Kanai, H., & Imamura, Y. (2019). Why do students keep joining study buddies? A case study of a learner-led community in the SALC. Independence, 75, 31-34.

Kershaw, M., Mynard, J., Promnitz-Hayashi, L., Sakaguchi, M., Slobodniuk, A., Stillwell, C., & Yamamoto, K. (2010). Promoting autonomy through self-access materials design. In A. Stoke (Ed). JALT 2009 Conference Proceedings: The Teaching-Learning Dialogue: An Active Mirror, pp. 151-159. retrieved from http://jalt-publications.org/archive/proceedings/2009/E012.pdf

Mynard, J. (2012). Does ‘Self-Access’ still have life in it? : A response to Reinders (2012). ELTWO, Volume 4. Retrieved from https://www.academia.edu/2100669/Does_Self-Access_Still_Have_Life_in_It_A_Response_to_Reinders_2012_

Mynard, J. (2016). Looking backwards and forwards: Evaluating a 15-year-old SALC for continued growth. Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 7(4), 427-436. Retrieved from https://sisaljournal.org/archives/dec16/mynard/

Mynard, J. (2020). Ethnographies of self-access language learning. Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 11(2), 86-92. https://doi.org/10.37237/110203

Mynard, J. (2020). Understanding identity in a social learning space. In J. Mynard, M. Burke, D. Hooper, B. Kushida, P. Lyon, R. Sampson, & P. Taw (2020). Dynamics of a social language learning community: Beliefs, membership and identity. Multilingual Matters.

Mynard, J. (2022). Reimagining the self-access centre as a place to thrive. In J. Mynard & S. J. Shelton-Strong (Eds.), Autonomy support beyond the language learning classroom: A self-determination theory perspective. Routledge.

Mynard, J. Ambinintsoa, D. V., Bennett, P. A., Castro, E., Curry, N., Davies, H., Imamura, Y., Kato, S., Shelton-Strong, S. J., Stevenson, R., Ubukata, H., Watkins, S., Wongsarnpigoon, I., & Yarwood, A.  (2022). Reframing self-access: Reviewing the literature and updating a mission statement for a new era. Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 13(1), 31–59. https://doi.org/10.37237/130103

Mynard, J., Burke, M., Hooper, D., Kushida, B., Lyon, P., Sampson, R., & Taw. P. (2020). Dynamics of a social language learning community: Beliefs, membership and identity. Multilingual Matters. https://www.multilingual-matters.com/page/detail/?k=9781788928892

Mynard, J., Burke, M., Hooper, D., & Sampson, R. (2020). Understanding learner beliefs and other individual differences in a social learning space. In J. Mynard, M. Burke, D. Hooper, B. Kushida, P. Lyon, R. Sampson, & P. Taw (2020). Dynamics of a social language learning community: Beliefs, membership and identity. Multilingual Matters.

Mynard, J., & Edlin, C. (2016). Virtual and other learning spaces: Introduction to the special issue. Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 7(2), 110-114. Retrieved from https://sisaljournal.org/archives/jun16/introduction/

Mynard, J., & Ludwig, C. (2014). Introduction. In J. Mynard & C. Ludwig (Eds.), Autonomy in language learning: Tools, tasks and environments. Faversham, UK: IATEFL. Retrieved from https://www.academia.edu/8945357/Introduction_Tools_Tasks_and_Environments_for_Learner_Autonomy

Mynard, J., & Shelton-Strong, S. J. (2020a). Evaluating a self-access learning centre: A self-determination theory perspective. In Pattison, T. (Ed.),  IATEFL 2019 Liverpool conference selections (pp. 41-42). LINK

Mynard, J., & Shelton-Strong, S. J. (2020b). Investigating the autonomy-supportive nature of a self-access environment: A self-determination theory approach. In J. Mynard, M. Tamala & W. Peeters (Eds.), Supporting learners and educators in developing language learner autonomy (pp. 77-117). Hong Kong: Candlin & Mynard. LINK

Murphey, T., & Kelly, C. (2020). The need to socialize while social isolating: Group surfing on social waves. Bulletin of the JALT Mind, Brain, and Education SIG. Special edition. Online Learning, 6(6), 9-17.

Murphey, T. & Edlin, C. (2020). The EcoEducational-BioPsychoSocial model in everyday education: A suggestion for researching holistic well-being as a contribution to healthier learner autonomy. Relay Journal, 3(1). https://kuis.kandagaigo.ac.jp/relayjournal/issues/jan20/murphey_edlin/

Sekiya, Y., Mynard, J., & Cooker, L. (2010). 学習者の自律を支援するセルフアクセス学習 [Self-access learning which supports learner autonomy]. In H. Kojima, N. Ozeki & T. Hiromori. (Eds.), 「英 語教育学大系」全13巻中の第6巻「成長する英語学習者―学習者要因と自律学習」大修 館書 店 [Survey of English Language Education: Vol. 6. Developing English learners: Learner factors & autonomous learning] (pp. 191-210). Tokyo: Taishukan-shoten.

Sekiya, Y., Mynard, J., & Cooker, L. (2010). 大学英語教育への応用 8. セルフアクセス学習と大学教育 [Implications for university education: 8. Self-access learning and university education]. In H. Kojima, N. Ozeki & T. Hiromori. (Eds.), 「英語教育学大系」全13巻中の第6巻「成長する英語 学習者―学習者要因と自律学習」大修 館書店 [Survey of English Language Education: Vol. 6. Developing English learners: Learner factors & autonomous learning] (pp. 225-227). Tokyo: Taishukan-shoten.

Thornton, K., & Noguchi, N. (2016). Building a picture of usage patterns in a language learning space: Gathering useful quantitative and qualitative data. Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 7(4), 412-425. Retrieved from https://sisaljournal.org/archives/dec16/thornton_noguchi/

Tweed, A., & Yamaguchi, A. (2017). Impacting student use in self access centers through learning environment design. Independence, 70, 22-27.

Watkins, S. (2021). Becoming autonomous and autonomy-supportive of others: Student community leaders’ reflective learning experiences in a leadership training course. JASAL Journal, 2(1), 4–25. https://jasalorg.com/watkins/ 

Watkins, S. (2022). Creating social learning opportunities outside the classroom: How interest-based learning communities support learners’ basic psychological needs. In J. Mynard & S. J. Shelton-Strong (Eds.), Autonomy support beyond the language learning classroom: A self-determination theory perspective. Routledge.

Wongsarnpigoon, I., & Imamura, Y. (2020). Nurturing use of an English speaking area in a multilingual self-access space. JASAL Journal, 1(1), 139–147. [LINK]

Wongsarnpigoon, I., & Imamura, Y. (2021). Exploring understandings of multilingualism in a social learning space: A duoethnographic account. In A. Barfeld, O. Cusen, Y. Imamura, & R. Kelly (Eds.), The Learner Development Journal Issue 5: Engaging with the Multilingual Turn for Learner Development: Practices, Issues, Discourses, and Theorisations (pp. 74-91). Tokyo: The Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) Learner Development Special Interest Group. [LINK]

Yamaguchi, A. (2011). Fostering learner autonomy as agency: An analysis of narratives of a student staff member working at a self-access learning centre. Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 2(4), 268-280.
Retrieved from http://sisaljournal.org/ archives/dec11/yamaguchi/