Course 2

Advising in Language Learning 2: Going Deeper

Next course: June 16, 23 and 30, and July 7 2024 [Registration closed

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This course is only open to participants who have successfully completed Course 1

  1. Course description, objectives, structure and schedule (scroll down)
  2. Communication tools and protocol
  3. Eligibility, fees, and application procedure
  4. Equipment, textbooks and assessment



Satoko Kato, Jo Mynard, Amelia Yarwood,  Vola Ambinitsoa, and Hatice Karaaslan

Research advisor: Hayo Reinders

TAs: Emily Marzin, Pınar Üstündağ Algın, Viorel Ristea, and Gráinne Hiney

Course description

This is the second course in the online Advising Certificate Program offered by RILAE which consists of five courses. In Course 1 (Getting Started), we covered the origins of learner autonomy and introduced the definitions of advising in language learning (ALL) and its theoretical underpinnings. The participants learned the concept of transformational advising (Kato & Mynard, 2016) where an advisor supports a learner in going beyond improving language proficiency in order to make a fundamental change in the nature of learning. The instructors introduced 12 basic advising strategies and 6 techniques to promote reflective dialogue with hands-on online activities. 

The second course ‘Going Deeper’ is designed for people who have completed Course 1.  In Course 2, we focus on supporting learners to broaden their perspectives by guiding learners to reflect deeply. In other words, the previous course ‘Getting Started’ was about building trust and rapport with learners to create the foundations for Going Deeper. In Course 2, more attention will be placed on structuring the intentional reflective dialogue (IRD) in order to guide learners into a deeper level of awareness, and at the same time, guiding advisors to develop further as professional advisors.. Thus, advisors need to place more attention on noticing the verbal and nonverbal messages that the learners and they themselves convey.

Course objectives

At the end of course 2, students should be able to:

  • use the basic advising strategies with more understanding, and learn advanced advising strategies to use when conducting advising sessions with learners. 
  • understand the effects of continuous advising by learning how to establish a long-term relationship with learners. 
  • learn about how to deal with learners’ emotions to find the root causes by further understanding what intentional reflective dialogue is. 
  • understand the influence of positive feedback on learners.
  • analyze advising recordings by applying research methods based on a particular purpose. 

Course structure

  • This course consists of some online lectures and some recorded lectures each week for three weeks. 
  • Students are asked to watch Video 1, Introduction to the course (recorded lecture), before attending the first online class and do some pre-class tasks.
  • The online live lectures are designed to be interactive and intentionally facilitate different kinds of interactions.
  • Students are expected to view recorded lectures and read some materials each week as part of the course requirements.
  • Students are also required to participate in online text discussions via the online forum in order to discuss ideas related to the issues raised in the class and in the recorded/written materials. 
  • Practice and reflection activities will also form part of the weekly assignments.


(sample only, the actual course content is likely to vary slightly)

Before starting

Pre-course tasks

  • Bring a (partial or full) transcript of a recorded advising session with you to the first class (it can be the final assignment from Course 1 or another session).
  • Be ready to share the transcript with some classmates. 
  • Be ready to reflect on the session with classmates.


  • Video 1 (Introduction to the course) (10 minutes)


  • Reading 1: Reflective Dialogue: Advising in Language Learning (Kato & Mynard, 2016). Chapter 2, Part II, Going Deeper (pp. 106-155)
  • Reading 2: Example reflection on an advising session (will be provided)

Week 1

Broadening learners’ perspectives

Live lesson: 3 hours (weekend)

  • Review the learning trajectory and understand what it means to ‘go deeper’
  • Learn ways to broaden learners’ perspectives
  • Analyze and reflect on a recorded advising session

Post-class tasks (2 hours)

  • Online discussion related to this week’s content
  • Use advising strategies and tools to broaden perspectives in daily life and write a reflection on Edmodo

Week 2

 Intentional reflective dialogue (IRD)

Live lesson: 3 hours (weekend)

  • Learn about how IRD / reflection is used in advising and advisor education          
  • Learn to guide students engaged in continuous advising 
  • Learn how to conduct research in advising using tools

Tasks (2 hours)

  • Online discussion related to this week’s content
  • Reading

Week 3

Dealing with emotions and giving positive feedback

Live lesson: 3 hours (weekend)

  • Learn how to deal with students’ emotions in advising sessions
  • The role of beliefs and values
  • Learn about positive feedback and how it influences the dynamics of the session

Week 4

Work on final assignment (self-paced)

  • Record and analyse an advising session. Write a reflective paper based on your analysis. Make an action plan for your future development. You will receive feedback from one of the instructors. 

Summary of content

  • Pre-course materials: 2 hours
  • Live interactive lessons: 6 hours
  • Pre-recorded lectures and real-time online discussion (flipped learning): 3 hours
  • Reading: 4 hours
  • Recorded video viewing: 3 hours
  • Tasks: 6 hours
  • Final assignment: 3 hours

Total time: 27 hours 


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