Featured Speakers
Micòl Beseghi, University of Parma, Italy

Advising in Language Learning: An Emotional Journey [LINK to recording]
In this presentation, I will share my personal experiences as a language learning advisor and the emotional journey I have undertaken with learners. I will focus on some of the affective strategies I have used to deal with students’ emotions and to help them become more aware of their emotional sphere.
Micòl Beseghi is an Assistant Professor of English Language and Translation at the University of Parma, Italy and has been a language learning advisor for 15 years. Her research interests and publications include translation teaching, advising in language learning, learner autonomy and the role of emotions in foreign language learning.
Fergal Bradley, University of Helsinki Language Centre, Finland.

Advisor Practitioner Research [LINK to recording]
This talk focuses on advising and practitioner research. Drawing on my own research projects from the ALMS course at the University of Helsinki, I discuss how bringing theoretical concepts into dialogue with advising can help rethink and reinvigorate advising practices. I argue that this research approach to advising contributes to professional development and wellbeing, as well as generating fresh insights into language learning.
Fergal Bradley is a University Instructor in English at the University of Helsinki Language Centre, Finland. His teaching and research interests include language advising/counselling, learner/teacher autonomy, academic writing, identity in second language learning and teaching, and practitioner research as a means of learning and professional development.
Walkyria Magno e Silva, Federal University of Pará, Brazil

Developing language learning advising at the tertiary level [LINK to recording]
The theme of autonomy in language learning has been a concern for me for more than 20 years. After carrying out research on autonomy and its counterpart conceptualization of motivation, I realized that something was missing for me and my colleagues to help students learn. The principles of advising in language learning provided a sound basis for us to talk to students, aiming at better academic results. In this presentation, I will describe how advising developed in our university and its present situation. I will also speculate about endeavors planned for the near future.
Walkyria Magno e Silva is a Full Professor at the Federal University of Pará, where she teaches and supervises undergraduate and graduate students. She started the advising program at the Modern Foreign Languages School about 10 years ago. Her research interests and publications are about autonomy, motivation, language advising; all these themes are seen under the perspective of complexity theory. She insists on saying she is still learning.