Purpose: To assess how often learners employ specific language learning strategies.
- https://sites.educ.ualberta.ca/staff/olenka.bilash/Best%20of%20Bilash/SILL%20survey.pdf
- http://www.enl.auth.gr/gala/14th/Papers/English%20papers/Kazamia.pdf
Short description: A survey with 50 questions to gauge language learning strategy use.
Sample questions:
Instructions: Please read each statement and fill in the bubble of the response (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) that tells HOW TRUE THE STATEMENT IS.
- Never or almost never true of me
- Usually not true of me
- Somewhat true of me
- Usually true of me
- Always or almost always true of me
Answer in terms of how well the statement describes you. Do not answer how you think you should be, or what other people do. There are no right or wrong answers to these statements.
Sample questions:
- I give myself a reward or treats when I do well in SL (second language).
- I use rhymes to remember new SL words.
- To understand unfamiliar SL words, I make guesses.
Paid or free: Free
Reliability/validity measures:
Validity: Results indicate that the SILL manages to accurately record almost half of the strategies reported in interviews while the remainder consists of strategies that are either variations of SILL items or entirely different strategies.”
Setting: Open
- Self-directed learners
- Teachers
- Learning advisors
Type of measurement: Questionnaire
Possible uses:
- Awareness-raising
- Self-monitoring
Ease of implementation: Easy. 50 items, est. 40 min.
- Easy to answer and administer
- Good for comparing students with themselves longitudinally
- Available in a number of languages, such as Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Greek Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Ukrainian and in Greek
- Reliability issue between learners due to nature of self-assessment/self-report
- Does not allow for creativity in answers
Studies this has been used in: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0346251X9400047A